Hardwired to Kill'em All (Metallica Tribute) at Brass Hall
Price $12.0012.00- More Details
Hardwired to Kill'em All (Metallica Tribute) at Brass Hall More Details
Doors open at 7 P.M.
Estimated Show Time: 8 P.M.
$12 - General Admission* (Advance)
$20 - General Admission* (Door)
$20 - Reserved Seating**
$30 - V.I.P. Package***
$125 - Table for 4 Reservations****
$175 - Stage Front for 4 Table Reservations****
*General admission is STANDING ONLY Tickets
**Reserved Seating Guarantees You a Seat at Brass Hall during the Show.
***Reserved Tables Guarantees a Table for 4.
****Reserved Tables Stage Front for 4 Guarantees a Table for 4 Stage Front for the Show.
If You Would Like to Inquire About Group or Interested in Becoming a Sponsor to Support Live Music in Downtown Marble Falls Please Contact the Brass Hall Team at (info@brasshall.com).
“We’re just four lucky fans. This could be you…” – James Hetfield speaking of Metallica.
Truer Words couldn’t be spoken of “ Hardwired To Kill 'Em All - Houston's Metallica Tribute.” either. We’re just four diehard fans who can geek-out together playing the music we love.
As our name might suggest we truly do play tracks off of every album, classics & deep cuts alike.
Taking it one step further on select “themed” nights we play entire albums from start to finish…. or “back to (the) front”! Between the four of us, we’ve seen Metallica live nearly 100 times & are always seeking more!
We, “HTKEA” are proud supporters of Metallica’s “All Within My Hands Foundation”. A percentage of every show’s proceeds go towards the cause.
Formed in 2017 with the goal to assist & enrich the lives of members of the communities that supported the band along its multi-decade spanning career. Houston was a recipient following Hurricane Harvey with a hefty contribution to the Houston Food bank.
We are just 1 group amongst the dozens & dozens of acts encompassing a variety of genres that make up our beloved city's “Houston Tribute” scene.
Video Link:
*Tickets Can Be Picked Up at Brass Hall the Day of Show.
*Tickets are Non-Refundable.
*Standing ONLY Venue!
*All Ages!